No more sweating during the summer heat! This new revolutionary invention Cool Air is the best solution against heatwaves.
Why is this invention the definite solution against heatwaves?
During the heat of summer, the inside temperature of your home or place of business can become unbearable. However, the thought of a high power bill can also be more than enough incentive to just battle through and wear less clothing.
Air conditioners, as a whole, are also expensive to buy, require installation, and increase a lot your energy bills. Therein lies the question: Can there be another solution?
CoolAir is the most effective and low-cost answer for these super hot days and nights.
It just needs water and can last up to 8 hours!
You will actually be really shocked at how easy it is to use. Right out of the box, it looks like a much smaller version of a standard air conditioning unit but without all the installation nightmares that come with it. You just fill up the internal tank with water, plug it into either a USB port such as a powerbank, or a wall outlet, and let it work its magic. Once it's on, it can cool any area of your home down in minutes.
In essence, this unit works at the click of a button, and is suitable for placement in a home or office environment. How it works is also quite simple. It takes the hot, arid, stale air found within any typical home with either poor ventilation or overheating from the summer sun, uses the water within the unit to provide cooling, then emits a frostier temperature to combat the hot air. Even though it's fighting a constant battle against the heat, this small but mighty unit continues to pump out that cool air silently.